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Social Networks ranking and use


  1. Facebook is ranked in first place with 1.3 billion users

    1. Target is everyone who wants to connect on any topic.  Great for sharing trends, ideas, etc.

  2. YouTube a property of Google operating under the umbrella of Google + is second with 1 billion users.

    1. The site allow users and businesses to upload, view, or share  videos. 

  3. Google + with 540 million users but 1.6 billion users with YouTube's traffic

    1. The social media umbrella for all Google properties.

  4. LinkedIn with 300 million is focused on professional human resources

    1. Heavily relied by businesses, human resources professionals to find and hire professional talents

  5. Twitter with 255 million users is microblog but total registered users are 1 billion.

    1. Used primarily to update followers on news and ideas.

  6. Pinterest  with 70 million users 86% of them female 

    1. An online digital album for sharing pictures on any topic of interest.  Ideal site for retailers, interior decorators, hospitality, real estate businesses.


source: www,



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Social network page creation


We have the expertise to create business accounts in 

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

  • Google+

  • Pinterest

  • LinkedIn


Each of these require the client to create their own content and submit them along with images in the approved formats for the site.  In certain situation, where the client does not have any content or images, we would be happy to create content for an additional fee.

Social media management


There aren't many businesses who have the expertise or the resources to manage their social media sites.  


There are two ways to manage social content.

  1. In a marketing campaign 

  2. Regular activity updates


The first is often out of financial reach for the small medium business owner demanding involvement across a network of sites and digital mediums.  The latter is more in the target range for small businesses and independent entrepeneurs who would like to maintain a dynamic relationship with their target audience while building their brand.  This is where Lakay Media can help by providing industry related posts, and reshares that is pertinent to your industry and your clients.

Social Media

No other medium has made a difference nor made quite an impact between businesses and consumers as social media.  For the first time, consumers had direct influence to let their views known, their sentiments shared between people with like-minded interests.  The dominant players such as; Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumblr are just the tip of a large iceberg.  Now businesses had a direct feedback mechanism with their clients and the savvy and intrepid businesses quickly gained the know-how to influence consumer behaviour.

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